How to Find Keywords That Will Grow Your Website Audience

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How to find keywords and why we are even looking

So you’ve been told that in order to boost your Google rankings that you need to target certain keywords – but what does that even mean? The world of SEO (search engine optimisation) is too vast to cover in one article, so below we have created a simple introduction that will tell you how to find keywords.

First things first, what are keywords?

Keywords are the words entered by a user into a search engine like Google which describe what they are looking for e.g. ‘Bristol Web Design Companies’.

By picking keywords to target, you are in effect targeting the users who will be entering those keywords.

Keywords can be applied to every website on every platform, including WordPress and Magento.

How to Find Keywords

So, how to find keywords relevant to my website?

You will know the general phrases that are relevant to your website, so these are a good starting point. For example, if your website sells socks, you will want your keywords to centre around the types of socks you sell.

Try being more specific with your keywords rather than focusing on short generic phrases e.g. rather than targeting a generic word like ‘socks’ or ‘ladies socks’, which would be highly competitive against leading retailers, you are better off targeting a specific location and specific areas of your field e.g. ‘Ladies cashmere ankle socks’ or ‘cashmere socks Bristol’ if you are a Bristol based retailer.

How do I know which phrases are worth targeting?

Do your keyword research using a keyword planner – once you have set up an account, you can enter search terms and find out the volume of users who search for this phrase and suggest ideas for alternative phrases that you could target.

This is probably the most important step as phrases you assume would be popular may be worded differently by the majority of users.

Other helpful tips in keyword research

  • Pick keywords/phrases relevant to your site content or anyone who lands on the site following entering those keywords will just leave straight away.
  • Test them out by searching for your keywords in a search engine and seeing how stiff the competition is and if there are many paid adverts.

So now you know how to find keywords, you then need to place them on to your website. Check out our Keyword Insertion checklist to help you out.

Now you know how to find keywords, but do you need further help?

Looking to further your knowledge of SEO and how to implement it on your website? Take a look at our SEO Checklist to make sure you have all bases covered. If you still need help from a web agency Bath, Bristol or Devon then why not try contacting Sheer Design for help here.

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